Electronics > Metrology

$75 Calibration with Adjust and Data for a variety of multimeters/counters/etc

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Just a heads up, after some recent testing where I realized my older HP 34401A had drifted a bit out of calibration. I was asking around and mostly was getting quotes of $120-200, I tried almost a dozen places. A few places that were lower didn't have the equipment to calibrate a 34401A (the meter had higher accuracy than their calibrators). Global Test Equipment is running a special and according to an email exchange with them includes calibration, adjustment and the data, they also pay for return shipping. If you are in Los Angeles - Las Vegas - Phoenix - Chicago and surrounding areas they offer free pickup and delivery. They were quite responsive in their emails, their equipment was suitable for calibration the 34401A and the price was right, so I sent my meter to them. 

The listed devices are:
HP / Agilent 34401A, 34970A, 33120A, 33220A,33250A,
HP / Agilent 437B, 438A, HP/Agilent 53131A, 53132A, 53181A,
HP / Agilent 6024A, 6033A, 6038A, 6621A, 6623A, 6627A,
Fluke 21 Series II, III, 23 Series II, III, 70 Series II, III, 73 Series II, III, 75 Series II, III, 77 Series II, III
Fluke 8010A, 8012A, 8050A,
Keithley 2000, 2010, 2400, 2410 & 2420C.

These devices are mostly hobbyist era devices, being a bit older. The big one missing that I don't see is the 3478A, though you might try asking them. Just a heads up because I thought it was a decent price for a cal+adj+data.

Calibration Special

Thanks!  I'm curious to hear how long it takes for the calibration to be done.  I've got a few 34401A meters that have drifted enough that they could use some love.

Thanks for the heads up!  The timing is perfect, I have a 34401a that I'd like to get calibrated and adjusted.

They don't mention adjustment on the page you linked but if they've confirmed it by email that sounds very promising.  I'm in L.A. so it's even better.


Another happy customer here.

I started to become a friend of them and they used to sent me broken 34401a to repair. I was fixing them and then get a discount on the next calibration service/purchase.
Nice guys.

Unfortunately I am living no more in USA....

This is an attractive deal. I'd be interested to hear about other people's experience with them.

Anyone care to post a copy of their calibration report?

Hmmmmm. I wonder how much they'd charge for a Datron 1081...

--- Quote from: zucca on November 15, 2015, 05:56:55 pm ---Another happy customer here.

I started to become a friend of them and their used to sent me broken 34401a to repair. I was fixing them and then get a discount on the next calibration service/purchase.
Nice guys.
--- End quote ---
A substantial discount, I hope!


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