Hi, it's been silent here for quite some time, let's add a bit more info about W7000.
I thought it would be great to have 'complete' schematics of this little reference, at least to better understand what's going on.
TiN and branadic did a great job posting schematics of reference board and front panel board, why don't add main board to the list ?
So here we are. I drew traces how they actually go at the top layer of main PCB, put it all in KiCAD and tried to decrypt it.
Main board image with traces and componentsSpagetti-schematics and following draft are as pdfs, too huge to be pictures :'(
That's still looks like draft and will likely stay in that shape, but may help someone who curious about what's happening here.
KiCAD labels are used absolutely improperly and component index may look weird, sorry for that
Most of the circuit is doing power-related job, a few places which control battery and input voltage and turn on/off other parts, there is a block that manages connection of the output to the back connector as well as helps control unit to get module's state. I haven't really tried to understand exact communication, anyway I don't have control module, and still there a few question about signals going from reference board.
And of course output trimming circuit, the most valuable thing. Though it was already discussed in publication, here is how it looks in reality.
I also added schematics of input part of power supply (made of separate components, though newer version uses LT1533) and front panel (keeping component names the same as in branadic's image).
Though I tried to avoid errors, they are always may exist, obvious or not
Everything is also stored in our invaluable place -
https://xdevs.com/doc/Fluke/7000/sch_chekhov/, including high-resolution images.