So I managed to get my own way of measuring TC of resistors working in a reliable and automatic fashion.
I use what I consider an easy to build but "sophisticated" method to heat the resistor that leave almost
just few seconds of lag from the temperature measurement point and the R variation. As you can see on
the second chart TC curve is almost a straight line ... this should means temp. and res. variation track very
closely. I still have to check some parameters to prove this method is deftly OK and than I can describe
how I did it.
Anyway apart from heater, the measurement are done with a K2001 in 4W configuration with offset
compensation to avoid thermal EMF to upset readings.
My thermal cycle consists in heating from room temperature to room temperature + 5°K and stay there for
some minutes, than increase other 30°K (and stay at this point for more minutes) and than back to initial
room temperature + 5°K (and rest there for more other minutes). Rump up and down are made almost as
fast as I can. The rump up is 1°K per minute circa and rump down is a little slower than this.
All measurements where done with stable/stabilised room temperature with a max variation of 0.5° C.
I started checking some UPW50 few days ago and I get
- 10.005,05 @ 26°C
- 10.006,02 @ 56°C
that is something like ~ 3,2 ppm/K that is also right in the typical specs of the resistors.
The strange thing is that I found something physical is amplifying the TC effect, I observed that after heating
the resistance value always "overshoot" and after cooling down it undershoot. I got more 0.1ppm/°K of
difference if this parameter is measured before or after the rest period (maybe also 0.3 ppm with some
resistors). 0.1 ppm/°K is not much if you are matching 3ppm/°K resistor for the LTZ1000 divider, but I'm still
curious what is it. Anyway if you find a 1 ppm/°K resistor this 0.1 pmm/°K became very important and can
cause significant error in TC measurement (I think this effect will be reduce with low TC resistors but this is
still to be proved).
So the TC of this resistors seems to be a combination fo TC of the wire and TC of some physical stress
applied to the bobbin during heat and cool down cycle with the latter requiring more time to settle down
than just plain TC of EVANOHM.
I read Andreas thread about TC of resistor, but I cannot find any measurement where the DUT was leaved
at the new temperature to rest for some hour. Because of this I cannot tell if this behaviour compare the the
chart Andreas proposed in his thread or not.
I found also many of this resistor seems to go down in value after many thermal cycles. This last went down of
20 ppm, but this drift can also be caused my meter that is not stable. I have to remember to check multimeter
offset reading against my calibrator (that has some VHP resistor inside as reference) at beginning and end
of measurement to be sure shift is of the DUT and not by ME.
Any comment is appreciated.
PS: just noticed on second chart that measurements gets noisier at the end of heating a cooling process
... so it can also be my measurement technique that is wrong.PPS: just realised that at the end of the heating/cooling cycle there are a big number of points because
temperature variation is more slower than in the middle of the chart ... so if we use temperature as X axis
it's normal that it appears to be more noisier at the end of each cycle.