That's a good lot of questions, great!
TiN: Are you running 12k over 1k for heater resistor? That might be a little cool for your setup - being all sealed up in boxes, etc. watch your heat flow away from LTZ - it can't be zero - your heater could be running out of operating headroom for that LTZ. I wasn't sure if you've got a thermocouple on the LTZ itself.
That's right, 12K/1K. Previous test reveal that oven runs out of margin bit over +42°C, so as result TC ramp goes only to 40°C. It's very clear when there is no headroom left, by obvious +42ppm/K zener TC.
There is something wrong there - that TC is much higher than what we've seen with PWW, both Edwin's and GR's - and Films. It's usually closer to Datasheet TC value with recommend 13k / 1k to start...and then work to a lower value as your setup permits.
I agree with this. However it's not mine, so owner has to decide if he wants surgery. I can try one minor thing, but that will be next week as gear runtime required for other stuff now. The original idea of me checking VK5RC's ref was just calibration test/comparison. But I feel of providing single data point, even median without knowing tempco is half-ass job, so much longer testrun is done as result.
Do you have the new heater ratio resistors properly mounted on the PCB this time (not mangled like pictures before, sorry), and thermally close together? I guess I didn't see the LTZ board itself, or I'm blind.
Sorry for bit of confusion, you are not blind. Mangled board (no offence taken, it's true

) is my test module, which is waiting for LTZ chip now, so it's not the same ref. VK5RC posted photo of his module
Have you done several thermal cycles? Is this a brand-new LTZ or one you've used before?
Yes, it had about of week of cycles prior to the ramp on post above. It was aged for a month at VK5RC site in Australia, then he shipped it to me for tests and it was compared vs my other 5 LTZs for another ~300 hours, before any temperature cycles even start.
Why the '2057 instead of recommended LT1013? Not that it causes that high TC, just curious.
Long story short - it's by historical reasons. By that I mean my first volt-nuttery entrance
3 years ago, when I've designed KX PCBA, which takes two single-opamp SO8 packages for the LTZ circuit. Back then I had less understanding about opamps, their performance measures, etc. So PCB physically incapable taking LT1013 without doing bodgewires. And it was not expected that anyone order my gerbers or make modules, but here we are. I'd design things bit different today, having negative supply rail, larger footprint to support multiple options for precision resistors, not just tiny Z202's, use LT1013, provision larger capacitor footprints for films...
LT specifically recommends against the '2057 for it's high current noise across the LTZ - it can be a source of instability long-term. We -never- use AZ amps for these LTZ current drivers.
I'm not going to argue on this, valid points. Just so far on hobby level I doubt difference between 2057 or 1013 or other opamps can be distingueshed with equipment we have available, be it 3458A or null-meters and 732B, looking at the output. I have 4 my modules with LTC2057, one with LT1097 and unmodified HP3458A's A9 STD REF module, which I compare from time to time over last few years. I was not able to tell the difference from data in short-term noise on any of them without actually looking at the board.
You might want to run the test circuit as the standard, recommended setup. snip...
Yep, but that would mean making new design, new boards, ordering another boatload of expensive parts and spending another year on testing everything. With likely the very similar unmeasurable difference outcome, as down to ppm level there are so many things that can go wrong. At this point in my life, I'd rather spend efforts on few other projects. Perhaps new wave of LTZ-nuts would be willing to try this road, so we can see more different and interesting designs here.
You might run a few more cycles and see if there's any indication of settling down?
Having reference return to original voltage after ramp down suggest not settle/unstability issue? If it's unstable, we would see different end voltage. Power cycle for 30 minutes (moving VK5RC's REF from TEC box to near LTZ bank and K7168 scanner, reference voltage
restored to -0.4 ppm of original assigned value, including 50% error from different 3458A.

full log graph, with rescaled ppm scale at +140/-2ppm. Clearly can see when oven failed to stabilize die temperature around 6pm April 10. Rest of the crazy stuff I was tuning PID for TEC controller before I got right magic and started test April 13.