So I removed the buffer for now and got of video of the "Phenomena" with my setup. is 30cm long copper twisted pair directly connected to 3458a binding posts (so we can exclude it's thermal EMF).
>> yet I don't recall any mV-level changes like you mention from past tests.
Yes never mentioned this because I discovered this problem with swapped leads just few days agoo.
mV changes is with unbuffered version on the K2001 and long wire (more than 1m).
I take the following video with very short wire (same 30 cm) and Keithley. with short leads drift is still 300uV and also noise become way worse.
Counting on what you can see on the video I can say few uV p2p with straight leads (as by Keithley specs) and sort of 100uV with swapped leads.
Here you'll find some photos of the PCB.
In this last sample I used through hole components because I only planned to build one KX so I brought only one BOM few months agoo.
Anyway despite this the same problems where experienced also with fist sample where I used (almost) all components as by part list on TiN KX article.
You can see photo of fist KX sample few posts ago. Exchanged components are the capacitors: in this last sample I used ceramic caps for
the one connected at the 70K resistor nodes, CAP FILM for the other lower values and electrolytic for the three high values (47uF).