Thumbs up for jumping in, we are always happy with newcomers.
Green KX, yikes

No problems with that, now we need to get someone to make blue and white ones. I have red and black, mimmus has purple ones, you has green now.

Too bad they can't put silkscreen over bare copper.
Most of fabs can do that, but you need to ask specifically. Reason why they don't put silkscreen over bare copper by default - is if you made mistake and put silk over pad, you will not be able to solder that pad.
So they just being extra safe, nothing wrong with that.
no hot air station for me.
This board does not need, and does not want hot air...

I haven't soldered one of the Maxim ICs (the one on the front side) because I don't think I will be able to successfully solder it because of the surroundings.
I usually solder that one first, and only after put surrounding taller parts. Common rule for PCBA is to put small parts first, then taller ones, and connectors last.
If anyone would like high resolution pictures of the board, please let me know and I'll bring the big camera for that
Sure, show us your gigapixels.
I'd be interested to see which VPG resistors you bought, what their cost was and how long you waited for them. I chose VHP202 70K ones only because there were no 70Kohm in Z202 small package.
Also 34461A can do much better logging, set to manual 10V range, and reset statistics, so you can see variation down to 1uV AFAIK. I don't have 3446xA, otherwise I'd give you exact setup

Good news for
VK5RC reference, it's good and stable so far during overnight run, and here's initial chart (bold
purple line):