This is a "fun" graph
I have just got a HP 53132A w. opt10 (Thnx Steve) , and decided to do some tests.
Red : PM6680B (Tbolt 10Mhz ext clk) - Measuring the 10Mhz out (10811 int. OCXO) from the HP 53132A
Blue : HP 53132A (10811 OCXO int clk) - Measuring the 10Mhz out from my HP Z3801A
Both counters run frequency mode w. 1 Sec gate time.
No doubt the 10811 OCXO in the HP 53132A is a bit high , and needs a bit of adjusting.

No doubt the 10811 OCXO in the HP 53132A is a bit high , and needs a bit of adjusting.
Well i just got a 3GHz prescaler card for the 53132A , and have a "Quiet" 12dB 9m3 fan waiting also.
I'll adjust the OCXO when i do the 2 other mods.
Now i regret not having routed the 1PPS from the Tbolt to the outside.
I will have to do that , and start reading up on TI measuring on the 2 counters.
But couldn't i do TI measures , by feeding the Tbolt 10MHz to "Counter Ext Ref In" , and also to "Chan 1/Start" , and then Z3801A 10MHz to "Chan2/Stop"
I will prob try on all 3 counters : PM6680B , HP 53132A and HP 5370B.