Another question.
There are several members who have converted the Dallas NVRAM to FRAM with good results. My plan was to do the same but I have run into an issue that I did not expect. Programming the FRAM using a TL866ii programmer is simple enough. That gets the original firmware into the DS1220 replacement but what happens if the 3458a needs recalibration? The DS1220 programming algorithm does not work (I also tried a Dataman 48) meaning the 3458a cannot be recalibrated. Or have I got something wrong?
The same problem arises with the DS1230 replacements when used with a programmer.
So, the big question is what is happening in the 3458a? Is the read/write timing correct for both chips? Has anyone actually checked the timing to be sure?
I am hoping for an explanation as I have already spent money & some time on this part of the project without success so far. Everyone has been happy with the outcome except me so have I gone wrong somewhere?
Thanks in advance
Whilst the algorithm doesn't work for the Dataman to recognize and characterise the *exact* device connected as a Dallas Non-Vol Ram it doesn't mean that the basic device IO in normal operation won't work, i.e. Address bus, data bus, WE, OE & CE pins as they are very much generic.
In normal operation it's the basic device IO that matters......the 3458A doesn't know it has a FRAM fitted, only that it is communicating using basic device IO.
When I converted my 3458A & 3245A both to FRAM (cal & settings) the first thing I tried was changing the GPIB address, powering off then on again.......and the new address recalled without issue.
To program a FRAM in your programmer you are always going to have the programmer set to a FRAM device type. The reasons for the algorithm's in the first place are for efficiency, speed, error checking, timing control, power management & optimization so that you can be sure your device is programmed 100% perfectly and as fast as possible in your programmer.
Here's a wee short I made......