Thank you for your answer.
First, below a screen-shoot of the error message that appear when data plot
is enabled and as soon the first value is recorded.
(value is indicated in error message as out of plot range axis, maybe an issue with decimal separator ?).
Note that there is same issue when opening a recorded csv files with playback plot viewer.
Anyway, the data log work fine and so i can show data plot results in others apps (Calc/Excel).
I tried to set both device channel with my 34401A, but i think the reading are in collision (send at same time)
and so there is only the first value that is read.
I want to measure the RMS voltage first (command is :Measure:Voltage:AC? DEF,DEF) and then
i want to measure the input signal frequency (command is :Measure:FREQency? DEF,DEF ).
I understand that the second measurement must be delayed, but i must admit that i don't know how.
You can show my setup on the screenshoot below, only the first measure is received...
Can you help me to fix this ?