It seems the HP3457A is just going to be very flaky for me, if I unplugged EVERYTHING from the GPIB bus apart from the 3457A then i could communicate with it, for a while, later on even this failed and although I could get a response from sending ID? to it from both your app and the Keysight IO app, it stopped returning values... makes me wonder if that units GPIB board is dodgy.
The Solartron 1061 is behaving pretty well, and I also got it working now on my Datron 1062 (well, kind of).
I have an app request.. on the Datron it doubles up its sign in the data, so a "-" is "--" and a + is a "++", so I have to tick the box to ignore the 1st 2 digits, which then also loses the sign. can this be changed to allow for a selectable number of digits to ignore ? I think this is to do with the AC vs DC function, as in AC it shows "+~" instead.
I also noticed that the check boxes are not remembered correctly / at all by the Save Profiles button, for instance the "Enable polling" is always on, even if i turned it off and then save it, when I open it up again it is selected again.
My current settings for the Datron are shown in the attached screen shot (I will attach it later).
But here is the GPIB command list that I have been able to figure out:
1061/1062 ONLY
A0 Volts
A1 dB
A2 6.5 Digit Mode for V and Resistance (even without filter !)
1071 ONLY
A0 Averaging OFF
A1 Averaging ON
A2 high Resolution rolling average ON
A3 Block averaging mode ON
C0 Filter OFF
C1 Filter ON
E0 Spec readout OFF
E1 Measurement uncertainty
F0 ??
F1 Resistance
F2 AC Volts
F3 DC Volts
F4 ??
F5 ??
F6 AC & DC Volts
F7 ??
I0 Front input
I1 Rear input
K Enable keyboard
L0 Deselects Limits and resets Min/Max stores
L1 Store location 1
L2 Store location 2
L3 Store location 3
L4 Store location 4
M0 Maths OFF
M1 Offset
M2 Divided by
M3 Both
N0 Min/Max OFF
N1 Max
N2 Min
N3 Min/Max Difference
O2 4 byte output
O3 4 byte output
P0 Ratio OFF
P1 Single trigger reads both inputs
P2 Requires two triggers.
Q1 SRQ ON - at completion of reading
Q2 SRQ ON - at completion of reading when out of limits
Q3 SRQ ON - at completion of reading - single SRQ ONLY
Q4 SRQ ON - at completion of reading when out of limits - single SRQ ONLY
R0 Autorange
R1 10 Ohm / .1 in volts function
R2 .1
R3 1
R4 10
R5 100
R6 1000
R7 10M / 1000 in volts function
S0 Superfast mode OFF
S1 Superfast mode ON 100 r/s - 4.5 digit
S2 Superfast mode ON 200 r/s - 4.5 digit
T0 Hold OFF
T1 Hold ON
V5 1071 ONLY - Recal block size (used in conjuction with A3 first - A3V5)
Y Self test (might need to be sent multiple times until process is finished, then send T0 to remove the HOLD)
Z input Zero