Hi all,
New version
V3.42 V3.43 in Post #1 available for download.
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Per my previous post I have fixed the issue in regard to the 34401A DMM and I guess other such like problematic devices where they need specific LF, CRLF terminations.
There is now a new check box "Terminator CRLF" alongside the original "Terminator LF" [renamed] checkbox. If you hover over the checkbox you will get info on what they actually represent.
This allows the 34401A to work in VISA mode and using the serial interface if you don't want to use the COM1 or such like direct address, i.e.
Interface = Visa
Address = ASRL1::INSTR
Note: The ASRL address mapping is per the configuration in the Keysight Connection Expert.
Enable Polling = unchecked
Terminator NewLine = unchecked
Terminator CRLF = checked
Terminator Info/Meaning:
CR carriage return……..moves to column zero without advancing paper
LF line feed…… advances paper without returning to column zero
CRLF……. does both the above
\r = CR = 0x0D = 13
\n = LF = 0x0A = 10 = newline
34401A GPIB failure:-
My 34401A is still not working in normal GPIB mode (not via Connection Expert or WinGPIB), it's not accepting writes whatever I do....faulty maybe?.....Hmmmm, I'll try changing the GPIB interface buffer IC's (2off them I think).
UPDATE: Reviewing other folks issues about the same, it appears the 34401A sometimes cant be set to remote mode. There's a pin on the GPIB connector for this, so will have a look there for any issues, possibly even a test hack!
UPDATE V3.43, I have also made a slight tweak to the PPM Deviation calculation on the Playback Chart.