To characterize noise of unit, measurements for different ranges, NPLCs, short/FS and AZ on/off were taken.
It gives the base for major project on improving noise of unit by exchange of A9 for low noise ADR1000 and changing several op amps e.g. for reference scaling (+12V/-12V/+5V) - inspired by talk from Chuck Beuning at MM24.
More on that in future posts, currently FW mod and A9 ADR1000 is installed w/o issues.
FW mod only changes the minimum cal values, so that lower voltage ADR1000 can be used w/o additional gain stage.
Comparison for input short of different NPLCs for 10V with AZ:

As expected NSDs for 10 to 100 NPLC are similar, as the 3458A just does multiple 10 NPLC readings for higher NPLCs and takes the mean.
Overlapping Allan Deviation (OADev) gives a bit different picture for averaging times >1h, seems there is an advantage for longer integration times - the cause is unclear, it may be just a fluke.
Unexpected is the significantly increasing NSD and additionally the increasing 1/f and "HF" part to higher NPLCs.
OADev tells 2 NPLC has lowest noise at ~3h averaging, but may be just a fluke.
Same comparison on 0.1V range:

Difference of NSD 1/f part is nearly same for all NPLCs compared to 10V, which implies origin from AFE and not Ref/ADC, the "HF" part does not increase, instead bump between 0.1..1Hz rises.
OADev show no significant difference between NPLCs around 5min averaging, for higher averaging times environment and other factors may be the main contributor as there is no clear picture of what is going on.
Comparison of short/FS on 10V range (FS with 2 different 3x18650):

NSD shows prominent 1/f noise at FS compared to input short.
OADev reveals some more details that are barely visible in NSD: 10.6V shows lower noise for higher averaging times in comparison to 11.8V.
My guess is this is the transition of 1/f noise from FS to short, which could be verified by measuring different input levels.
Lowest noise for 10.8V between 10..20s averaging is around 120-150nV, which is in compliance what PTB showed at MM24, but lower noise around 90nV (10NPLC, 5V input?).
As for the short the NSD is significantly increasing to higher NPLCs and OADev confirms lower noise for 1NPLC.
That implies to capture in 1NPLC and do averaging later in software for lowest noise.
Comparison with other 3458A meters on 10V range (AZ off):

With AZ off there is no significant difference in noise between 1 and 10 NPLC in comparsion to AZ on.
My unit shows a bump between 1..10Hz, which is not present in the other units and not visible with AZ at 10V and indicates that something is off.
Same on 0.1V range (AZ off):

Same on 0.1V, with AZ off there is no significant difference in noise between 1 and 10 NPLC as was with AZ.
Bump now between 0.1..1Hz (same as with AZ on), what could change this bump in frequency for range change?
Captured dataCaptured data from repsPython script to capture the dataPython script to analyze and plot the data (combined plots for NSD, ADev, OADev, MDev included)Python script to combine different data in one plot # currently not available online, will be updated