the LTC2400 is not bad.
The self calibration and thus the low drift are the advantages.
Also a low power consumption helps to keep switching noise away from the analog part.
On the other side this ADC is relative noisy (10 uVpp) so you will have to average many
measurements (around 1 minute) to get a stable result.
For the DAC you should think twice. A cheap 8 Bit DAC will not be able to compensate for
a 20 ppm temperature + around 20-50 ppm ageing drift with a 1 uV resolution.
And perhaps you even want to compensate the T.C. of the voltage divider by small steps of the DAC.
PWM is not the solution of all problems.
Ok you have no resistor T.C.
But the other challenges are charge injection, temperature dependant switching times, and temperature + voltage dependant switch impedance to name a few.
With best regards
I don't want to use 8bit DACs. I thought about a MCP4922 (2x 12bit 3ppm/K gain error) and use one for coarse and one for fine adjustment.
As mentioned above, the "big guys" pretty much have gone over to PWM for this sort of thing. Once you start tossing op amps into the mix, some of the PWM stuff becomes less of an issue. Because it's a "well known technique" there are a lot of schematics and app notes to give you a trail of bread crumbs to follow.
A somewhat crude example:
Start off with "sort of 20V" derived from who knows where. Divide it by two (your 10 V) and by 4 (your 5V) and maybe by some other integers in the 2 to 16 range. Yes this sounds a bit stupid, but there are some advantages:
1) You can run things at reasonable speed (no 1 Hz lowpass filters).
2) You can have consistent switching in all your outputs (except for the obvious odd / even issue).
3) You can get useful voltages in most ranges without a lot of crazy effort.
4) Your lowpass filters are not very crazy to do.
So where is this going you wonder? (Yes, there is a very large ex-bottle of wine somewhere around here .. hmm ....).
Part of your problem with PWM is working out what the TC of "this" compared to the TC of "that". Building lots of PWM's is dirt cheap. Feed them into a bank of 2400's and go to it. Average for tens of minutes if you need to. Feed back the results to a display. Let that tell you what you have on each of your outputs.
Ok so back to the top (remember the 20V starting point?).
Play with your same servo dac stuff to get "whatever" to produce 20V. Put that (after PWM) into one side of a 2400 (or multiple 2400's). Run the other side of the 2400 off of your magic super reference (after PWM). Your comparison is now good at the "who knows what" fraction of a ppm level. The real answer is going to depend on a bunch of averaging issues and firmware and those pesky op amps.