Thought everyone might enjoy some details and pictures of the the ADCMT 7480T 8.5 digit multimeter.
ADCMT separated from Advantest in 2003.
The 7480T was made by ADCMT for Advantest, they don't sell it and I've been told to contact Advantest for information. I have not received any reply from Advantest. There are no public docs on the meter, I have only found details on its little brother the 7470 7.5 digit version.
The details I do know:
LTZ1000CH ref - 13K/1K temp set point.
9K ohm hermetic AE branded resistor ref.
Artifact calibration - 9-11 VDC/9-11Kohms.
DCV and 2/4 wire ohms support. 1000 VDC/10 meg ohm top ranges.
Has internal calibration which is recommended to be used every degree C/ 24 hours. A full DCV/resistance internal cal takes 4.5 minutes.
When the meter boots it says 6581T on the display, it also reports 6581T via GPIB. USB is disabled.
Fan airflow only runs over the power supply/digital section.
Front/rear jacks selected electronically(rather useful).
No idea when it was calibrated but it arrived reading within 1 PPM of the last cal value of my 732A - hard to complain about that.