Today the second measurement in the LAB1.
The numbers are close to the LAB2 second measurement I made a month ago (-1.8ppm).
This time the Fluke 8588A, calibrated in June (the same meter as in the first measurement in March).
Below the results - triggered with 10 samples, 10seconds each sample (8588A's default), total 100secs per measurement, made in sequence from A to J. The Mean and the Standard Dev (in ppm) comes from the meter's statistics.
There is some noise coming from the air drifts and thermal radiation off our bodies - as the first 6 measurements were made as we were sitting aprox 1m off the wiring. The "minus" measurements were made with us aprox 2m off the wiring.
As an example of that influence is the measurement "X" were we were waiving with hands while discussing aprox 1m off the wiring (not included into the results)..
Below also a measurement with my 34401A over last night.
As the next step I am going to add the 1k resistors into the inputs of the OPA189.
PS: in the picture below you may see the Fluke shows STDDEV in Volts, the resolution was only 0.1uV though, therefore we switched into "ppm" mode, where, luckily, we got by one digit more