Electronics > Metrology
ADR1399 reference
A possible choice for the MUX chips could be the relatively new TMUX4052. The specs are rather loose because it is a cheap part (so not much testing done), but the typical performance is still expected to be relative good. They accept a low control level (e.g. 2 V) at least. The DG4052 should be similar with tighter specs.
--- Quote from: Kleinstein on January 28, 2024, 05:10:35 pm ---A possible choice for the MUX chips could be the relatively new TMUX4052.
--- End quote ---
Electrically it would fit (I think). But I did not find a SO16 package. Or did I overlook something?
(I do not want to resolder the references, only the multiplexers).
The DG4052 might be a replacement.
with best regards
Mickle T.:
A simple, general-purpose, dual-voltage (10V and 1V) reference based on the ADR1399 in a TO-46 package. Temperature coefficient <0.2 ppm/°C (10 V), noise amplitude 0.25 ppm p-p (0.1-10 Hz). Resistors are selected with TCR 0.2...2 ppm/°C.
I swear most people's definitions of "simple" differ wildly from mine on this board 😅
Yes, it seems to be more like a calibrator for voltage, current and resistance. Very nice.
Regards, Dieter
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