Electronics > Metrology

ADR1399 reference

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That's a lot of data. How about the drift data. How often do you sample the 8 references on your aging boards?



at the moment I am starting one (automated) measurement per day.
Each of the 8 references is averaged over 1 minute measurement time.
The first 1000 hours I measured twice per day.
During T.C. + noise measurements there is a gap in the ageing drift.

with best regards



PCB#3 (with relay multiplexer) now passed 2 kHrs of operation time.
The gap in the measurements is due to T.C. measurements and noise measurements where I had to do a different setup.

Some of the references show a shift after the temperature cyclings.
And all of the LS8 devices changed direction of ageing.

The PCB#3-Devices are shown with drift over linear time (days) and in a 2nd diagram as SQRT(kHrs) as x-axis.
Y-Axis is temperature compensated according to the linear T.C. from T.C. measurements.

see also:

with best regards


Attached is an update of my ADR1399-PWM-DAC reference. The reference was initially measured by Solatron 7081 and Prema 6048 white. At some point the Prema 6048 left and made its way to its owner. Then at some point the 7081 stopped working (at about hour 4700), so I had to take it from the setup and repair it. Fortunately, recapping fixed the problem.
Luckily, another Prema 6048 white showed up at MM2024, stayed with me until I finally became the new owner and this meter was used to measure from hour 4900 on.

Overall, this reference is constantly drifting upwards with no obvious sign of stabilizing.  :-// So continuous observation is still needed.


The drift is still pretty small. The Solatron meter seemed to have been a bit temperature sensitve. Most of the "noise" there seems to be a thermal effect at the meter. With the downward temperature trend for quite some time it is a bit hard to tell if we really see the reference drifting or maybe more a temperature effect at the meter.


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