Electronics > Metrology

ADR1399 reference

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I think it's worth having a separate thread for the ADR1399 to not mess up the threads about LM399.
About 2000 h ago I've started monitoring one of two ADR1399 with a Prema 5017. After playing with the integration time in the first days I kept the setup as is afterwards and recorded the output voltage. Unfortunately, the Prema has quite some t.c. and noise contributing to the measurement, so it's not the meter of choice to observe this kind of references, but all I had available at that time. Will change that setup soon and add the ambient conditions as well.


Brandiac, have connexions at ADI, hoping to get the 1399s and setting up tests here, have latest Keysight 34465A in CAL.

Any tips on your set-up? How does 34465a compare to your meter?

Bon Soirée


Attached is output voltage deviation vs. heater voltage. 0.37ppm/V.


--- Quote from: jonpaul on April 11, 2022, 11:40:40 pm ---Brandiac, have connexions at ADI, hoping to get the 1399s and setting up tests here, have latest Keysight 34465A in CAL.

Any tips on your set-up? How does 34465a compare to your meter?

Bon Soirée


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Directly measuring a reference with a DMM will give the combined drift and noise of the DMM and the DUT.  The Prema 5017 by now likely has a well aged LM399 reference and could thus be low dirft.  For the KS34465 it depends on how much that meter was used before. It may help if one has a calibration history.

The noise in both case would be to a large part the meters internal noise form the LM399.


--- Quote from: macaba on April 12, 2022, 09:05:36 am ---Attached is output voltage deviation vs. heater voltage. 0.37ppm/V.

--- End quote ---

How is this measured? with or without thermal isolation of the ADR1399? (on both sides of the PCB)

Additional question:
Does the output voltage change also (like on LM399) when changeing the orientation. (laying on left / right side or legs above plastic cap ?)

See also for a LM399 based instrument here:

with best regards



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