That would be very appreciated! I've got a programmer and a couple SST27SF512 on the way as a replacement - hoping I can go with a newer flash based EEPROM replacement instead of the older UV stuff, and the pinout and configuration seem to match. Since the chip can still get runt pulses out, so long as the programmer is high enough impedance and is driven fairly slow, I may actually be able to salvage the data on the ROM, but even if I can extract it, there's no guarantee it will be good and I haven't used the programmer that's on its way.
It seems basically all Advantest gear is very closed... and the little technical servicing information available is often in Japanese. Makes it difficult, but stuff is generally well laid out and labeled, but sometimes it's very tightly packed together. The RF gear in particular I tend to pull off the chassis cover and just find a whole new chassis worth of plates holding in and shielding various assemblies, can take quite a while to figure out how to even disassemble. This instrument and its little brother, the R8240 seem to be very tough to find info on outside of some catalogs that don't even list them as made by Advantest.
I've only looked in depth at the logic board under the BCD output board, but aside from one chip, it's not too bad to get an idea about. The one I couldn't find data on was the MB8873H, but from the connections and the limitations of the micro, I think it's an address expander or some kind of memory controller - data lines from the RAM and ROM at least connect to it and the MCU seems to only have 64k worth of address capability built in, even though the ROM alone is that big.