I just recently picked up my first 3458A, it's an Agilent unit, with serial US2802xxx
I found it in a test equipment shop in Akihabara, and with a quick email negotiation, managed to get it for 550,000yen, down from the original quote of 600,000yen+tax (for an original total of 660,000yen). Not a bad discount, especially as it has been factory calibrated in 2021 and 2022, so I'm in the process of trying to get my hands on those reports from Keysight.
The only problem with it is apparently a
slightly high reading in the -1A range, but it's close enough that a cal might be able to fix it. Unless anyone thinks I should have a poke at it before I sent it to Keysight for calibration and adjustment? (Once my bank account recovers.....

So far, I have given it a clean, including cleaning and oiling the filthy fan. Ordered a set of HM62256BLP-10 RAM chips from a local seller to upgrade to Option 001, and started making a list of stuff to buy.
I'll also be ordering a few FRAM adapters and parts to ditch the Dallas NVRAM's (I already backed up the calibration constants twice), and I'll socket U110 and update the firmware to v9 (I picked up a 40-pin socket today)
I'm also thinking of replacing the fan with a Papst 612NLE, which seems to be the closest replacement to the original 612L I can find, and replacing the electrolytic and any RIFA capacitors (pending checking for any).
The display is a bit worn as expected for it's age, I may or may not bite the bullet with a new VFD from China... Same with a new front panel plastic from Keysight. The plastic on mine is in pretty good condition, but I did have to apply a little bit of superglue on the corners, so these two parts are on the 'wish list'.
It agrees perfectly with my 3-year-since-last-cal 34461A on 10V and 30K that I tried so far. Until now the Fluke 731B was only adjusted to my 34461A, but now I can really dial it in.

So, feel free to educate me on using this instrument and any other things I should be looking at while I'm poking around, and also how to measure drift and performance and stuff, I have
no idea but am willing to learn!