Electronics > Metrology

Anyone has used Valhalla Scientific 80s Multimeters?

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Hey everyone,
a friend of mine offered me a Valhalla Scientific "vintage" Multimeter with integrated counter. I have to admit that I have never heard of that brand before and certainly can't find much about this meter. It is a Model 4440, in perfect working condition with some signs of use. From the information found in the datasheet it seems to have been a high class device back then but from a modern point of view... well, take a look for yourself.

He offered me this thing for 65€. Since I really like the name of the company (yes, I admit, I love nordic mythology) and I tend to collect all sort of vintage test equipment I am tempted to buy it, but the price seems a bit high, compared with the specs. Couldn't find any comparisons online as they seem to be sold not that often.
What do you think about the brand in general as well as the model he offered me and the price?


I do not know about the DMM that you mentioned. I know that Valhalla Scientific made really nice calibrators :


I've not worked with this particular model before, but Valhalla Scientific did make some pretty decent equipment.  I am more familiar with their DC standards and power meters.

Thanks for your replies. I noticed already their DC calibrators and also found a nice thread about one here at the forums. Sadly, those are far out of reach for me, pricewise.  :( 
So the brand seems to be rather decent I guess?
Did anyone take a look at the datasheet? I am really unsure if the price is "okay", since you can get an Uni-T UT61E for around the same price, has the same functions and resolution, but worse (around half) in term of accuracy.
On the other hand, a tabletop multimeter with that accuracy and functions will cost you nowadays around 200€ or more.

I glanced at it, it's an older DMM. Manual ranging would be a show stopper for me. Also kind of the biggest thing about bench DMMs at least for me is being able to control them programmatically, and I didn't notice any interface on it.

If you're looking for a cheap bench DMM, I would checkout HP 3478A. They can be found for under $100 and are great meters for the money.


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