Electronics > Metrology

Anyone have an original Fluke 5200A extender card

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Polling a couple of other 5200A owners, I'm provisionally concluding this was some prior owner providing themselves an easy way to probe U5. Done and over!

BTW - many thanks to Tony_G for the input and feedback in order to design this raiser card!

Looks too sloppy for an official Fluke thing, so probably something a provious owner has added for some reason. If it works, just cut / unsolder it at the board end. Of course, you could look at the schematic, to try and work  out  what it might have been added for..


--- Quote from: tridac on August 23, 2024, 10:23:49 pm ---Looks too sloppy for an official Fluke thing

--- End quote ---

I lean to agree, although if you've seen the reference inside a 732A oven, or - extreme example - a Datron 1281 - they're full of wires and ribbons directly soldered to pads and even parts. Particularly the second example is incredibly "organically grown" with iterative improvements, fixes, etc., where parts were soldered on top of other parts on top of yet some others. Wires connecting across, heatshrink, etc.

That ribbon was not present inside my 5200A, I think it is from someone trying to diagnose something on the board without a riser card.

Reiterating my thanks to Tony for his collaborating on this. Enclosed pics of the current version, soon to undergo further "peer review" testing.


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