Electronics > Metrology

Anyone have an original Fluke 5200A extender card

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Hey All,

I know this isn't strictly Metrology related but out of all the groups, I thought this would have the best chance of finding someone who actually has the original Fluke 5200A Extender Card and if so, would you be willing to post a front and back image of it (maybe sitting on a ruler for sizing if possible)?

I have an eBay extender card but it doesn't fit into the power supply area due to width so I thought I'd just design my own one and thus, I'm really interested in how Fluke laid it out.



Here are a few pictures of my original FLUKE 5200A extender board.
2715 shows one side of the extender board.  The male end goes into the socket in the 5200A where the board to be elevated was located.  The female connector end is where the board to be serviced is placed above the card cage.  This extender board has blank pc board material on each side for safety isolating you from the high voltage that are on the extender traces.  This of course makes it difficult to show you how the traces are run on the extender.  2710 shows some of the traces using back lighting on the "back side" of the board (the side where the top connector is on the other side).  2711 shows the same side in the middle of the board, the left side of the picture shows a few of the pins from the female connector on the other side of the board.  2713 shows the female connector end from the backside.  2715 shows the whole board from the top side with a tape measure to show you the overall length of 11 5/16 inches.  2716 shows the width from the top side of 3 3/4 inches.  2717 shows the backside of the female connector at the top of the board from the backside.
As you can see the whole board is riveted together at 5 points.  Let me know if you need some more specific pictures.
I have never had to use this PCB extender so I can't tell you how it fits in the power supply section.  If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks, Bill - Really appreciate the images - They will help a lot - From the first look, I think it should fit the power supply area too.

Also thanks for being open to more questions.

UPDATE: Peering into the photos a bit, I can see that they use "turrets" for the pins to enable you to hook onto signals - Very helpful.



--- Quote from: Tony_G on July 21, 2024, 10:28:50 pm ---
UPDATE: Peering into the photos a bit, I can see that they use "turrets" for the pins to enable you to hook onto signals - Very helpful.


--- End quote ---

In looking at the extender board I now see that FLUKE did indeed include very short "turrets" for hooking probes onto the connector for the raised board to be tested.  I never noticed that before, but then like I said I have never had a need to use this extender.  I saw it on ebay once and grabbed it.  It came with two SMB to SMB cables with SMB to BNC connectors, 2X SMB to male BNC and 2X SMB to female BNC, also.  It is the complete 5200A service kit as far as I can tell.
I took these pictures originally for "RAX" on EEVBLOG (Radu Dicher) about 1 1/2 years ago.  He was working on a 5200A that he got.  He was going to layout an extender board but I don't know if he ever got that project completed.
One other dimension of this board, it is 0.195" thick which follows as with the main board with the traces and then the two "covering" blank safety panels the PCBs are 0.065" thick each.


Thanks again Bill for the information on the cables.



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