@guenthert: My unit was shipped with batteries. If you don't remove them or replace them periodically, they can leak and destroy the device. That's one thing to check. If that's not it, sounds like maybe a bad capacitor. Sometimes they go bad and need a period of applied voltage before starting to work correctly again. If it's worth your time, have a look. Unfortunately, the binding posts are soldered to the board, so you'll have to do some "surgery" to get the board out. I can see from the side that mine has a reference in a SOIC8 package.
Also, if it's of any value, mine starts at 10.000491Vdc and slowly moves down to 10.000097Vdc over the course of anywhere between 30-60min.
Off all night. Turned on, here's the results:
Temp: 74.5 DegF
6:58PM - 10.000491
7:05PM - 10.000298
7:14PM - 10.000162
7:28PM - 10.000125
7:40PM - 10.000117
7:52PM - 10.000116
8:06PM - 10.000113
8:20PM - 10.000112
8:23PM - 10.000110
8:32PM - 10.000108
8:44PM - 10.000108
8:50PM - 10.000106
Turn A/C On High
Temp: 70.9 DegF
9:23PM - 10.000097
Temp: 71.0 DegF
9:59PM - 10.000090