Hello branadic,
so what's your quantitative experience?
All my 7 LTZ1000 stabilised within a few weeks, i.e. after this initial downward drift of several ppm, all went into the usual downward drift. After the first year, it was mostly -1ppm.
In the following years, drift decreased on some references, on others it stayed at these -1ppm/year, or took longer to decrease in rate. I would not call that behavior "stabilization".
These 2 other 'green' references were LTZ1000As, and show only up and downward drift of +/- 0.5ppm over 2 years , or so... thats correct.
Anyhow, on a scale of -1ppm/yr. for these untreated LTZ1000, other effects are much more disturbing than to have even more initially stable references available.
In other words, for volt-nuts with maybe unstable environmental conditions, it would be of more importance to cancel those effects.
Not to forget, that even a burn-in on the 7000 reference chips does not guarantee a low drift... my own, quite old 7000 drifts constantly at -1ppm/yr.