Please have a look into the big 'Ultra Precision Reference LTZ1000' thread, for different values of the resistors.
I have published a table for all my references, which resistors I have used (econistors from G.R., or BMF from AE, supplied by Rhopoint) and which oven temperatures I have measured. (divider ratio of 14) gives an oven temperature of around 70°C, which I do not recommend at all for long-term stability.
12.5k/1k gives about 60°C, and 12k/1k gives 50..55°C, which I have used for all of my references, A-type as well non-A.
Depending on your application, you could also run the A version on that lower temperature, if your lab temperature is never higher than ~35°C.
12k is available at Rhopoint as standard value for an econistor, I don't remember if this value was also available for the BMF series
BMF resistors with 10k / 800 will give the 13.5 ratio for 60°C, and 10k / 900 gives 13.11 ratio, as a replacement for 12k/1k.
PS: 12k is not available for BMF. As can be seen in the link above, I have used BMF resistors 120 Ohm, 1k, 2x 70k, and a 12k econistor, the green one.