Electronics > Metrology

Bye bye eevblog hello morphine (end of life care)

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Thank you for sharing your experience and the wondeful give aways.

I wisch you all goodnes you need and have a good time.

Regards bastl_r

Thank you for the contributions! I will read them to honor you. Wish you an easy time on your next journey.  So long, mate.


--- Quote from: Sengcid on April 09, 2024, 12:01:26 pm ---Dear fellow EEVbloggers,
It is time to say thank you and goodbye with a special thanks to those who have helped to avoid lots of goodies ending up in the skip.

Meanwhile, here’s the last chance to plug my scribblings. Please spread far and wide.

--- End quote ---
A lot of work, the cathedral of your life.


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