I was inspired by this thread:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/index.php?topic=3020.0Many medium to high range handheld DMMs today used closed case calibration. The calibration is not done via trimpots but by feeding a reference voltage/current/resistance/freq/etc to the meter when put in "calibration mode". This is demanding for the hobbyist in that you cannot calibrate to an arbitrary voltage as you need fixed stable voltages at, say, 19.000 or 39.000 VDC, eg.
I have plenty of top quality, stable instrument to do calibration and and lots of chepo, mid range and high end DMMs. My problem? I don't know how to enter calibration mode (if even present).
I thought that this thread could be a list of known methods to enter cal mode in common DMMs. This procedure are typical (and for good reasons) left out of the user manual and service manuals are seldom to be found for lower brands of DMMs.
So, a bunch of meters that I know calibration can be done on, but no other clues.
If you know some DMMs calibration procedure, especially if it is a "soft" closed case cal, please share with us!
More specific requests: BK Precision 2709B, Amprobe/Meterman 37XR-A (I'm sure that at least the 2709B has a calibration procedure and no adjustable components on PCB, so it must be a software one). Do anyone know?
(I have emailed a bunch of manufacturers but no luck so far).
Edit: I lied about the BK 2709B - it really have at least three really small pots on the PCB, named VR1-3. Anyhow, without the cal procedure I don't dare to adjust them.
Edit: The list (only on entry so far
37XR Calibration Procedure (soft + HW adjust, no closed case cal)
Edit: Changed topic name to better reflect that the thread is intended to list calibration procedures in general. Sorry, I was not very clear in my first post.