OK, I thought perhaps I could appeal to the civilized side of the members on this board, but there doesn't seem to be one. I've seen bad manners and quarrelsome individuals, but nothing close to what I've witnessed on this board.
I'm embarrassed for you. I don't know how anyone can get along in life with such a rude demeanor. It's utterly pathetic. But, it will keep you down where you belong and make more room for civilized people at the top.
One thing I find universal among fools: they are to the mechanism of cooperation what sand is to the mechanism of a watch. Didn't anyone teach you people how to behave?
It is no reflection of me what occurred in this thread. You have no idea who it is that you criticize. I suffered warrantless accusations of lying, without a shed of proof! Fools realize the truth after it's too late. And the thing is, you people go out of your way to create trouble for me!
Because of that, and because you couldn't be content abusing just me, and because no amount of sound instruction has proven sufficient to correct your behavior, I turn you over to the one you failed. Hopefully your souls can be saved through abject adversity. But I think it will just kill most of you.
You've failed! I gave you enough rope to hang yourselves, and you did. May God have mercy on you.