A couple of month ago I decided it would be interesting and educational to build one myself.
It is based on the PCB from Rerouter with some minor modifications and uses parts from mouser (
see partslist).
Eventually I had some spare time to build it, which was straight forward but took quite some time.
Had to modify the FW for 16MHz and different input mux configuration, but then it worked with great help from Kleinstein
At least kind of
- there are two major problems, the noise is way too high (~10x - ~10µV StD) and the offset is too high for input short & ref (>10µV).
Did some investigation and it seems the input mux DG408 shows weird behaviour, it overshoots by a decent amount and takes really long to decay, that would explain the offset in the readings.
Filtering with 100nF at the input of the buffer did not change anything significant and isolating the output (NC) of the input mux did not change anything either.
It cannot be charge injection - that would decay quite fast through the low resistance of the mux switches into low impedance GNDS and ref at the mux input.
Regarding the noise I have no idea where to start
At least the reference/Ref+/- shows no visible noise/oscillation on the oscilloscope and no significant differences with external or onboard Ref nor connecting the ops outputs directly to Ref+/-.
With AZ mode there is a problem with the program, the results are just crap & the screen values and recordings are totally different.
Attached some pics, measurements and all data logs (4x 3R, 2x 2R, DA test, Slope K1 K2)