Electronics > Metrology

Do we need a 'Metrology' category?

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Hi Forum,

A lot of our threads appear to be Metrology related (voltage references, resistance references, calibrators and calibration, etc.), so do you think we need a separate forum category for Metrology (probably as a sub-category under Electronics)?


Isn't that under test equipment?


--- Quote from: DiligentMinds.com on December 17, 2013, 12:42:30 am ---I'm just trying to see if anyone else (besides me) would like to have a "Metrology" category-- it's not important what *I* think, but rather what *you* think about this...

--- End quote ---
I, for one, don't see the need for a subforum about weather :)

"Test and Measurement" may get a wider audience

I replied the way I did because a large chunk of metrology has to do with statistics and math and felt that an alternative title may be better for the specific area of the subject we are interested in

Well merits of multiple categories has been debated before and I think the consensus is people don't want that.
Do it for Metrology and you have to do it for everything else...


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