Electronics > Metrology
Getting a Degree in Metrology (Not Meteorology )
There are degrees in everything these days: some of them are well recognised and respected, others aren't.
If you can't find many degree courses available for metrology then you're probably better off studying something related which will stand you in good stead such as physics.
Thanks all! I was already planning to major in Materials Science, but I thought that if I got a school that offered both, I'd be set for a double major! Alas, no such luck!
Before you sign up for a degree program, what interests you? What part of school do you enjoy more than others? what do you think a metrologist does in the course of a day?
Seriously consider getting a more general purpose degree, and then specialising later. INMNSHO metrology can only be understood and practiced in the context of the whatever is being measured. If you concentrate solely on the metrology there is a danger of forgetting or not understanding what needs to me measured and why. That way leads to too accurately measuring something unimportant!
UNC Charlotte has a metrology program. I've heard it described as "world-renowned", though I don't know enough about the metrology community to say if that is true.
I toyed with switching over to that myself from a different program. I was concerned that the degree would be too specific though, and I want a BS in electrical not mechanical.
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