Wow John, you are unlucky with the rubidiums. As I mentioned, I only have the one and it seems quite good within it's limitations/specification.
Actually, I don't see it that way. The more recent SA22.C purchase works perfectly and the PoH data shows a mere 2.7 years of run time. The LPRO was perfectly ok until some 6 to 12 months ago and considering its age (about 25 years) and the fact that I've had it powered up 24/7 these past three years, I'd be very surprised if those tantalum caps were still in a healthy condition. If I've guessed correctly, I should have it back up to specification by the end of this week.
The other LPRO I'd ordered Saturday night/Sunday morning is expected to arrive this Friday which is a much quicker delivery than the first one I'd bought from Testpoint1 in Massachusetts which took about three weeks afair, leaving me to pay import duty and VAT which I'll also most likely have to do when this one lands up in the clutches of UK Customs & Excises (likely to be north of the sixty quid mark).
I have 4 GPSDOs... the best being a Lars Arduino controlled one with a high spec NEC OCXO, followed by a G3RUH "simple" one again with an NEC OCXO. I also have two Leo Bodnar GPSDOs, one is the older dual BNC socket type and the other the later LBE-1420. The LB units are much less stable and have noticeable jitter/short term wandering compared to my home made units, on the other hand the LB units can output any frequency up to around 1 GHz (LBE-1420) and settle in a minute or two of switching on. The LB units only use a TCXO and I believe a Ublox 6 navigation grade GPS module, and are USB powered
I had considered buying a Sparkfun ZED-F9T and dual band antenna, but for my purposes my current Ublox NEO M8T and single band mushroom antenna are more than adequate, in fact my every day GPSDO is the LBE-1420. I guess it depends on whether you have a real use for a GPSDO, or are just using one for fun.
Just before I started experimenting with a diy version of my own inspired by Gyro's post here: topic thread (only a single page long over a two year period of activity) is well worth a read.
I did seriously considering buying one of Leo's gpsdo offerings but changed my mind and started building my own variation on that circuit. It didn't include an rro opamp because I didn't have one to hand so simply connected the PLL filter output directly to the 13MHz ocxo's efc pin instead.
As I later discovered, I didn't actually need to buffer the filter output on account my ocxo's efc pin had an input impedance in excess of 10G ohms! The final build onto veroboard did include one to buffer the buffer amp that (needlessly) buffered the filter output in order to drive the efc voltage monitor socket meter connection.
The MK II used the same buffering circuit but the current MK III drives the efc pin directly from the PLL lpf and the RRO opamp merely buffers this to drive an external 10Mohm voltmeter to avoid reliance on a bench meter that happens to have a 10Gohm input option.
I've never purchased any ready made gpsdos, only a lot of fake M8Ns and a genuine M6N that proved totally unsuited to the RUH design. The MK II started out using M8N modules (both fake in varying degrees of badness) before I came across an Amazon seller offering genuine M8T based module boards for just 41 quid versus the hundred quid pricing for similarly blessed break out boards.
I kept my eye on his his activities after making that purchase for a week or three and jumped at the chance to purchase another two for a mere 24 quid each, noting a week afterwards that he'd hiked the price to 60 quid or so each. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!
At the time, I'd already upgraded the MK II but was having some slight doubts on account trying to change the elevation filter mask from its 5 deg default resulted in a lockup every time. All other commands worked without issue and I assumed that it was perhaps just a bug in its firmware that I could either live with or else fix with a uBlox firmware upgrade. However when I replaced it with one of the 24 quid examples, I saw exactly the same behavior. However it did occur to me to swap the FTDI232 for another one out of my dwindling brand new stock which fixed this weird issue which I then suspected had been present when I'd previously been using Lady Heather.
The MK II had been cursed/blessed with a massive 1100s TC (I had tried an even more massive 5000s TC PLL filter before 'compromising' with the 1100s TC LPF) in a futile attempt to reduce the 2 to 3 ns phase shifts in as many minutes due to the rapid variations in the ionosphere's TEC. When I upgraded to the M8T and ran a self survey on the earlier mag mount active patch antenna located just above the ridge tiles to gain a full all round view down to the horizon, I saw a marked reduction of this effect and a further reduction when I upgraded the antenna to the multi-band band GNSS/RTK type. I guess such large TC filtering is wasted effort with a navigation class of gps receiver module.
When it came to the MK III where the ZED9FT would neatly sidestep that issue, I chose a more reasonable lpf time constant of 50 seconds. Phase locking to 128th of the ocxo's frequency (versus the 100th of the ocxo's 10MHz used in the previous MKs I and II) is what does most of the heavy lifting with regard to the overall time constant anyway. Using a long time constant in this case would be like gilding an already well gilded Lilly, an unnecessary and counterproductive add on feature.
As for my own need's it could be described as being for the fun of discovering just how much further I can take such precision to its maximum possible limits using mass produced telecom grade rubidium reference frequency oscillators. To me, it looks like I could gain as much as an extra two orders of magnitude improvement. I'm doing this because, rightly or wrongly, I think I can.
Back to the TinyPFA, I only use mine with TimeLab using the rubidium as the reference. The screen of the TinyPFA seems to be hard to use for measurements, but with TimeLab it "just works". I leave my TinyPFA to warm up for around 30 minutes before use.
It didn't take long for me to search out a download of the free version of Timelab. It's just as well it includes a usb interface to talk to a PC app like Timelab otherwise I'd have returned it as "Not fit for purpose"
I have seen others measure the Efratom FRS units around 5 parts in 10^12 over a time average between 10 and 100 seconds using a lab Cesium Beam as reference, although 3 parts in 10^11 in 10 second is the specification. The best I can measure between my FRS and my Lars GPSDO is 2 parts in 10^11, which is at the limit of my measurements. As the only realistic maximum accuracy I "need" is 1 part in 10^9, or in practice +/-10 Hz on the 1296 MHz amateur band, any of the frequency references I have is more than enough
Well, in this regard, the MK III is just a tool to allow me to gain a more accurate assessment of my efforts to convert an ex cell tower rubidium frequency reference into a decent home lab reference standard. In the meantime I'll be discovering ever more knowledge about the subject and sweep away yet more of my earlier misconceptions about GPS based frequency and timing standards.
Suffice it to say that apart from the need for ground control to instigate orbital correction maneuvers maybe once a year or so when the SV has to be marked as "out of service" for maybe a day or two, they'll take that opportunity to adjust any clock drift in the cesium and rubidium frequency references.
In between such major maintenance, clock drift is continuously monitored and clock error data is included in the ephemera data packets to allow the gps receivers' navigation engines to correct these timing errors, which reduces the need to place an SV out of service to allow ground control the time needed to adjust the on board clocks.
Ground control, as you might surmise from this is a hive of activity. There is a lot more to maintaining the integrity of a GNSS system than first meets the eye. Despite all this care and attention, there are still some five or six or sources of error within the gps system with the state of the troposphere thrown into the mix for good measure.
The only benefit a dual frequency gps receiver like the ZED9FT brings to the party is the virtual elimination of the ionosphere's variable TEC which, for single frequency receivers is by far the major source of error of them all. When you look at the attached 15 hour sequence of screen shots starting from 2am Wednesday morning until quarter past 5pm that afternoon showing the drift of the M8T based MK II on ch2 against the MK III on ch1, you're only observing the diurnal ionospheric induced phase drift component since all the other error sources effect both types equally and cancel out.
I suspect there'll still be some 2 or 3 ns of phase wander in the MK III's output due to rounding errors in its calculations (plus some random noise effects in capturing the time delay data) so not all of that apparent 39ns phase drift necessarily lies with the M8T alone.