Thanks Richard.
It that your own unit ? ESI used a very nice way to couple the units.
There is not much info about the 277, I asked Henry Hall after I got the 277 (about 3 years ago) and he told me he knew the unit because it was a competitor for the GR1608 at the time he was designing that and one had the manual but could not find it. But I think he mixed the 277 up with the 291.
I have two very capable uV detectors and a generator. Both General Radio. ( they are part of my GR-1620 set that was used in the GR standards lab until that closed)
I have a very big soft spot for GR stuff. I repair test and calibration gear for a living and that is a nice way to combine playing with my collection of old component-test gear. Much of that gear still outperforms many modern instruments.
I'm in a niche market and I repair the stuff nobody else can or will repair and often that involves a lot of component testing (most of it lacks any form of documentation) And I have a lot of component testing gear, commercial and self made ( like capacitor leakage meter,
, opto-testers, opamp testers, inductor saturation tester, fixtures for my Tek 576 curve tracer (fi to test relais) Little pcb's made to test parts like 78xx regulators and things that help me in some way like an electronic adjustable and reset-able fuse. there you see some of the things I repaired.