Electronics > Metrology

Inspecting, aligning, and testing an HP 5065A Rubidium

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Interesting piece of hardware.  Can't tell from the photos if it is just a repackaged miniature telecom-grade standard, or a full-fledged 5065A-class design.  I asked the seller for more info.  If it's really a custom-engineered product from the ground up, I'll buy one and see how it performs.


--- Quote from: KE5FX on July 18, 2024, 07:01:11 pm ---Interesting piece of hardware.  Can't tell from the photos if it is just a repackaged miniature telecom-grade standard, or a full-fledged 5065A-class design.  I asked the seller for more info.  If it's really a custom-engineered product from the ground up, I'll buy one and see how it performs.

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That listing first appeared a few years ago. I found a few things about it:
In the pdf
it is stated:

--- Quote ---The technology for the production of rubidium devices was first reported in the Soviet Union in 1983, some 10 years after it was reported in (West) Germany. Good original work is also reported, and it is clear that the Soviet technology is now well advanced with the 1984 production of Chl-69 devices which are considerable improvements over contemporary HP-5065A and Efratom XSRM devices. The recently developed Chl-74 mobile unit resembles the HP 5065A and it appears to be competitive with any existing rubidium gas cell products available in the West.

--- End quote ---

There is a picture of the unit that is captioned "SCHV-74" on https://ruknar.com/en/assets/gallery/15/124.png
which is mentioned on page 7(192) in a pdf on your site: http://www.ke5fx.com/vch1006/Demidov_Design_and_industrial_production_of_frequency_standards_masers_in_USSR.pdf

and on https://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov/network/stations/inactive/LVIL_sitelog.html with specifications:
  9.01.01 Frequency Standard Type : RUBIDIUM
          Model                   : SChV-74
          Manufacturer            : ex-USSR
          Short Term Stab.  [e-12]: 5
          Long Term Stab.   [e-12]: 10

I also found a very poor scan of what seemed like a page of the user manual in an attachment on the below message board which shows a separate filter cell, but I was not able to determine if the image was from the -69 unit or the -74 unit:

  I remember reading another document which mentioned the -74 is a combined-cell design, but I can't find it now.  I did contact the seller and he seemed to be willing to scan the user manual for a reasonable fee, however I did not follow through.

I love how they copied the bezel, no shame ::)

wanted that star trek look


--- Quote from: dipsocket on July 21, 2024, 09:05:34 pm ---That listing first appeared a few years ago. I found a few things about it...

--- End quote ---

Good stuff, thanks.  It appears that most or all of the schematics are present in that forum thread, and that it is indeed an HP 5065A "homage" -- or at least, the one they are discussing in the thread is.

Even if it's an integrated-cell design it should still be interesting to tinker with. I went ahead and ordered one... we'll see what it looks like.  The last time someone randomly dropped a link on here to an auction of unusual Russian time & frequency hardware, it turned out to be very worthwhile. :)


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