Hi Frank,
you're absolutely right, the 3458A isn't that great for 1kV. One of the two 3458As drifts severeal ppm after applying 1kV. To calibrate my own 5440B I connected the 3458A to the calibrated 5440B with 1kV. Afterwards, I waited some minutes and let the 3458A stabilize, then I transfered the shown value to my 5440B. A proper Hamon Divider is on my list

Unfortunately, I build the serial cable after the external calibration. But, I think +8ppm isn't way off. Therefore, I though the 5440B should correct for this.
Perhaps I missed the table in the manuals, but I compared the serial output with the output of the GCAL command. And this is what I found out:
GCAL 0 -> 10V Range Gain
GCAL 1 -> 20V Range Gain
GCAL 2 -> 250V Range Gain
GCAL 3 -> 1000V Range Gain
GCAL 4 -> 2V Range Gain
GCAL 5 -> .2V Range Gain
GCAL 6 -> +10V Offset
GCAL 7 -> +20V Offset
GCAL 8 -> +250V Offset
GCAL 9 -> +1000V Offset
GCAL 10 -> -10V Offset
GCAL 11 -> -20V Offset
GCAL 12 -> -250V Offset
GCAL 13 -> -1000V Offset
GCAL 14 -> 10V Gain Shift (?)
GCAL 15 -> 20V Gain Shift (?)
GCAL 16 -> 250V Gain Shift (?)
GCAL 17 -> 1000V Gain Shift (?)
GCAL 18 -> Resolution Ratio
GCAL 19 -> A/D Gain
I think this is helpful, if you don't want to make a serial connection (or write it down by hand).
I'm not absolutely sure about the sequence of the Gain Shifts, because they all have the same value at the moment.
Now, I should dive deeper into the meaning of those numbers. At the moment I have no idea why a gain is mesasured in Volts and what is meant by "Resolution ratio". And I'm also not sure what is menat bei Gain Shift? Is this the shift against the last external calibration?
Edit: I attached the calibration list. This list was read after the first internal calibration, after external calibration.