Thanks Andreas. Over what period of time did the LSD change by 6 units when moving from horizontal to vertical?
The change is "immediately".
But it needs about 10 minutes to stabilize in the new orientation.
Attached a measurement (different LTZ1000A with 1 minute averaged values).
0 = normal
1 = left side
2 = right side
3 = on top
4 = on back
5 = on front
In HP34401A the LM399 is oriented differently on PCB against K2000
so the maximum effect on HP34401A is on back and front side.
2nd attachment raw (non averaged) values of measurement (first 2000 values with 10 NPLC).
I wouldn't be so sure that change cause is LM399 itself. More likely it's change of thermal profile over the board from different orientation.
I have that effect also with bare LM399s (connected with 6K8 pull up resistor to 14V UBat).
So my guess is that the largest amount of the change is through the LM399 itself.
The quick response speaks for a low thermal mass involved. (heater on chip vs. direction of temperature sensor).
And it gets better when you thermally isolate the LM399 from environment.
Of course there are large differences from sample to sample.
I have also seen LM399s with changes of only 1-2 ppm. (CH 6 measurement)
With best regards