Electronics > Metrology

Keithley 2002

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Time to have a separate thread on Keithley 2002. No repair stories here but a place to share knowledge.

My first question is, does someone know or have a non LabView but Microsoft Windows based pc software to capture data, with full control of the device settings such as range, mode, resolution, speed and filter usind GPIB-USB adapter?


Use Python


--- Quote from: e61_phil on October 24, 2017, 05:25:14 pm ---Use Python

--- End quote ---

I'm not asking what programming language to use, but if someone already has a ready to use pc software for the unit. By the way, I don't like python, I prefer C, C# or an Octave/Matlab script instead writing some programming prosa like python. ;)


Ok, I thought you are searching for a free LabView alternative. In this case Python is great I think. Many things you have to buy for LabView and Matlab are already there and for free. Ocatave is also nice, but much more limited in interfaces (like IP Sockets and so on). And I don't like programming Matlab ;).

C is great for real software or something on a microcontroller. BUT, if you want to setup a QUICK measurement, than LabView is great, followed by Python (just my opinion).

What kind of ready software are you searching? Only setting up the meter and put the results in a file? In most cases there is more to do, to setup a real measurement. Controlling calibrators/sources, take measurements from multiple meters and so on. Therefore, I think there is no real way around a programming language. You can use BenchVue, but that isn't much easier to setup than clicking something together with LabView.

By "ready to use", do you mean GUI software? I think e61_phil was getting at the fact that there are Python packages that will allow you to easily script up what you want to accomplish.


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