Hi there, I also can confirm this part CVCO55BH-4940-4940 (from Mouser $30 plus post) fixed the PLL2 error with my MSOS804A scope.
Bit tricky getting the old part off, there are lots of small surface mount components really close by, I put several layers of Kapton tape over them and used hot air at 440C, took a while as the devices shield can is a big head sink. The device is only secured by the 10 joints, three are signals and easy, the rest are to a large PCA ground plane (and the devices ground and case) these take a while to melt, there is no central solder ground under the device.
Its also tricky fitting the new device as the clamps for the circuits covering shield can limits solder iron access not helped that the large ground needs a big iron to solder.
Ran the scope for 1 hour without issues, passed its self tests ok, magic result, thank you.
Edinburgh, UK