Full scale on the 34465a is 27 Ohm, with the 10K thermistor (U.S. Sensor USP10976) this comes to ~0.1 deg C full scale. Internal oven air temp vs external ambient air temp, starts at 24 deg C ambient at 9am. As the ambient temp started to drop so did the internal air temp, but only by about +5 Ohm or -0.02 deg C at the 35 min mark. As the ambient temp fell further down to 15 deg C at 12pm the internal air temp raised by -10.5 Ohm or + 0.04 deg C. The climb back to room temp shows a slight negative overshoot with the internal before the steep rise in internal temp as the external ambient temp climbed over 30 deg C, however still staying within +.05 deg C. So 15 deg C to 30 deg C ambient the internal air temp is within + or - 0.1 deg C, close enough. Note, the two plots are askew time wise.
About 15 weeks after my order, look what showed up yesterday;
I revised my mounting method and carved out some open cell foam;
With the proper resistors, the voltage is now 7.14150, up from 7.13358 where it has been burning in for the last two months. I noticed no real change or drift from 25 deg C with the oven off to 35 deg C with the oven on. Now I have the proper voltage, I can order the resistor network for the buffer.
I don't need 10v for any specific reason, I don't even need this reference to to tell you the truth. This is just a project I wanted to build, for the fun of it.