Hi everyone!
Long time since I last had free time to play with electronics, and I just discovered a couple days ago 4 LM399 that I ordered from Aliexpress some 5-7 years ago.
Do they look fake?
They all have burn marks, seeming to have been extracted from some equipment. They all have gold plated leads, all have some solder in the end.
I would like to just make a basic PCB to learn how to use KiCAD since I no longer have Altium and Kicad 8 seems pretty nifty.
This would be just to say that I have a voltage reference and to leave them aging, maybe some day I will get a decent multimeter.
I read some 10 pages back on this topic, plus a couple of the initial ones, is there any "recommended" design, or just go with the basic from the datasheet, since I'm not hunting for 10.0000V..
Best regards.