Electronics > Metrology

Looking for instrument to measure 1.0 Ohm to <10ppm

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I have an ESI SR104 that has drifted 2.9ppm since 1974.


--- Quote from: alligatorblues on September 19, 2023, 01:33:31 am ---I have an ESI SR104 that has drifted 2.9ppm since 1974.

--- End quote ---

Isn't that amazing, how they did that?  So much of the design work was essentially predicting the future - what's going to happen inside this box.  Yes, based on past experience and knowledge, but still... mighty impressive, as it all works out in real life, over decades. 

I purchased a 34420A. I'm sending it to Keysight for calibration and repair if necessary. When I get it back, I'll measure  some of my manganin standards.  I was looking at the Vishay HZ metal foil series. Does anyone know if those will be mass produced. Or all special order. I can't find a single supplier.


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