@Soulman, DieterT and CalibrationGuy:
Now I have understood your concerns about humidity.
Anyhow, I use hermetic resistors for the crucial 20k collector and 100 Ohm zener current resistors, the other 69k8 collector Thin Film resistor is uncritical, and for the oven control ratio divider, I use this TDP1603, but exactly in the zero gradient @ 54°C of this ADR #3. Therefore, I guess that an influence of humidity on that order of magnitude is very unlikely.
I confirm the observation of Andreas, i.e. short interruption of a few, up to 24 hours might not shift the voltage that much, and it returns quite fast to its former value.
All the LTZ1000 /A based references do not show any relaxation effect at all, i.e. they are within 1ppm of their default output value after 1min, and within < 0.2ppm after 1h latest.
The 3458A can be switched off for weeks, and will always return to its calibrated value after 2h, (using ACAL DCV), within < 0.3ppm. So no sign of reference hysteresis or relaxation at all.
For exchange of references between volt-nuts, like the CAL-Clubs here in Germany, as well in U.S. by xdevs, we all need references, which can be shipped "cold", and stay repeatable during the whole journey. That seems to be the case for the LTZ based references.
At least, my non-battery, LTZ #3 (non-A version) and #7 (A version) can be used for environmental temperatures above ~ 13°C. #7 seems to be more robust at even lower temperatures.
I can only wildly speculate, that this has something to do with the different glueing material. I have not done any systematic analysis yet.
Both their repeatability after a ring comparison (e.g. with ab-precision) is < 0.2ppm under these conditions, which would then be their Transfer Uncertainty.
My ADR #3 is not suited for volt-nuts exchange, obviously.
I'd like to ask you guys, to do similar interruption tests with your ADRs, even if this might hurt in first place.