You can trust 3458A (and any other meter in this regard) only after you run full performance verifications and all functions for multiple times with desired period between the verifications, and ensured that all functions are meeting the specifications. Expecting otherwise, including judgement from single calibration does not provide you any confidence. 
Yes, and even a full verification in a cal lab wouldn't show any possible errors

I don't understand, how this probable ACAL failure has been detected.
I assume, the 3458A passed its ACAL ALL procedure w/o error.
You're speaking about a cal certificate, so has your 3458A been calibrated AND verified in a cal lab, and they detected that problem during verification?
As the 3458A makes successive internal calibrations by 10:1 transfers, the 1A should also be out, as it might depend on the foregoing 100mA range auto calibration.
Maybe there's a problem with offsets, or the current relay is defect.
Yes, there wasn't any error display on the 3458A.
I think the calibration procedure we use here is the normal procedure:
The unit is verified on all ranges with an calibrator (or more depending on the instrument) and a calibration certificate (with values) will be created. This certificate says fail or pass. If everything is fine, the instrument will come back to our company.
If the instrument fails the verfication, the cal lab will try to adjust the failed range (or in case of the 3458A an artifact calibration will be done). After the adjustment, a new full verfication we be done with a second calibration certificate. So, if the instrument fails you get two certificates.
The 1A range was -23ppm compared to the FLuke 5700A before artifact calibration and -13 after.