Electronics > Metrology
More voltage references - die pictures
Hardly any information can be found about the TBA150. It appears to be a variant of the well-known TAA550. The character string TBA would indicate SGS as the manufacturer.
The package contains an integrated circuit that corresponds to the TAA550. The surface on the left-hand side is badly damaged. This appears to be a production issue. However, the component was probably still functional.
There are structures at the corners that show the alignment of the masks. The metal layer has a strong offset to the left compared to the other layers. This offset can be recognised in some vias. However, the function is not impaired by this.
Apart from small differences in the width of the metal structures, the layout corresponds to the SGS TAA550 (https://www.richis-lab.de/REF41.htm). However, the design is mirrored.
For everybody just reading here: I have uploaded some pictures of a LTZ1000A:
For everybody just reading here: I have uploaded some pictures of a REF80:
The REF80 is a reference voltage source built by Texas Instruments whose performance is in the range of the LTZ1000 and ADR1000. The REF80 is just as noisy as the LTZ1000 (1,2µVpp) and therefore slightly more noisy than the ADR1000 (0,6µVpp). However, the temperature coefficient is just as low as that of the LTZ1000 (0,05ppm/°C), where the ADR1000 just offers 0,2ppm/°C. The long-term drift is only specified for a period of 1000 hours. After a drop of 9ppm in the first 300 hours, the voltage drifts by less than 1ppm thereafter.
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