I got this link today from the volt-nuts mailing list:
https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/GOVPUB-C13-2c2d0649085cc34834a8f42deaad328e/pdf/GOVPUB-C13-2c2d0649085cc34834a8f42deaad328e.pdfPublished in 1987, I've been looking for this for ages, thanks very much Marv Gozum!
Here are some of my remarks:
1. Apparently Fluke designed its 732B out of it, 732A and 4910 did not becuase of the time.
2. As far as annual aging is concerned, 732B is the same(if not worse) than 732A(3ppm/a) but specified as 2ppm/a to meet the Goal P1
3. Fluke also trimmed their design so that the battery operation time for 732B is 72 hours to satisfy Goal P8
4. Why the noise of <0.1ppm ppm rms so loose? Although 732A specified as <0.1ppm rms at that time but the actual performance is much better, and there exist 4910 which specified as 0.04ppm rms for one cell.
5. Very tight tempco requirement of Goal P4 at 0.01ppm/°C that seems no manufacture have ever come close to achieve this.
6. There are other goals saying the change should be below 0.01ppm/0.02ppm such as goal P5, P7, P9. My question is: how on earth they can distinguish minute changes as 0.01ppm when noise level at 0.1ppm? Long time averaging?
7. Goal P16: A transport standard and its shipping container should be designed to accept g-forces as high as 120 g's in any direction without damage! Wow

8. Is this guide valid now? Or there are new replacement?