I purchased a used Heathkit HV probe, it is a high value resistor that uses the meter as part of a voltage divider. The manual says it's a 990MΩ and a X100 with an 11 MΩ meter, but the resistor is labeled 1090MΩ. This is what works out to a X100 with an 11MΩ meter.
The probe seemed fine the first few times I used it and I compared it to another probe that had a meter on it and it was fine, then it wasn't. This was on DC, but now I'm testing on AC. (I'll set up a bridge to test DC later)
I have a 9kV 60hz source and two meters, a Fluke 79 III and Brymen BM235. The Fluke reads 238V and the Brymen reads 269V. A X100 Probe should read 90 Volts on the probe.
The highest voltage I have measured was 12kV and it's made for much higher. I was very careful when I took it apart, didn't touch it with my fingers, I have since tried wiping down the 1090MΩ resistor with Acetone and alcohol, it's glass, so don't expect any harm. The Fluke rose to 259v and the Bryman to 299V. This would lead me to thing the 1,090MΩ resistor is acting like a 300MΩ resistor. I also measured the input impedance of the Brymen with the Fluke at 10.00MΩ, but I get no reading when trying to measure the Fluke with the Brymen.
Any ideas what is going on with this HV probe?