Shilding may work, especially for capacitors. However it would not need via stitching. So just 1 via should be enough.
For the resistor one could still solder to both side of the resistor, if the hole is not plated through. A plated hole would not really make a big difference, unless the solder joint is really bad, or the hole way too large. Worst case it would shift the effective legth of the resistor leg by a small fraction of a milimeter and even that shift would stay constant. So for normal purposes not an issue.
Not plated holes may be a point if one has more alternative footprints, e.g. to also allow for a capacitor or different shape resistor.
The 4-wire short would also want at least 1 of the holes not plated through. One could still use a drill to remove the plating, or cut a trace at a suitable point.