Electronics > Metrology

Power Designs 2K100P high voltage calibrated power source

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I needed something to generate high voltage for testing. I was going to build something when I found this 2k100P on eBay for cheap.
The only problem I've found is the missing knob. My equipment (not traceably calibrated) indicates it is dead on its spec sheet.

I'm posting pictures in case someone is interested and recording the boards in a working state in case someone needs them.

What connector is used for the high voltage output?


--- Quote from: TimFox on January 08, 2025, 06:32:07 pm ---What connector is used for the high voltage output?

--- End quote ---

The connectors are SHV https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHV_connector#:~:text=SHV%20connectors%20are%20used%20in,20%20kV)%20are%20also%20available.
Seems I didn't include a pic of the rear. I'll update with one.

Back in grad school, where we used HV for PMTs, we often replaced “MHV” connectors on commercial power supplies with “SHV” (same mounting hole).
Too often, new students would insist on un-natural mating of BNC and MHV.
The only HV cables built by the electronics shop in the research building used SHV.

Indeed, I have a conundrum. I really only need the device in the 500-1k range. It is simply a test for those scales on meters I restore and test. Considering the upper range, I am contemplating how to build a useful but not deadly test harness.  I am leaning towards disabling the ability to set the output higher than 1k internal to the unit but make sure it's easily reversible in case a need arises.


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