Hi, all-
I just want to clarify my understanding of the concern over transformer capacitance. The principal issue seems to be the coupling of noise between the outside world (primary side) and the circuit (secondary side), correct? Magnetic coupling is largely mitigated with a toroidal core, but that does nothing for electrical coupling through the parasitic capacitance. Hence, trying to minimize that quantity. Am I all good so far?
Here's where it gets a bit fuzzier for me. On first glance, I would assume that most of the electrically coupled noise is common mode, since the noise would have coupled equally to both the hot and neutral conductor in unshielded mains wiring (Romex, in the US). If that's the case, why couldn't the noise be reduced with the use of a common mode choke on the primary and/or secondary side of the transformer? There must be more to it than that, otherwise all of the knowledgeable people here would have suggested it by now.
Anyway, I'm in the process of building a power supply for my AD587JQ and was thinking of starting a thread on the subject, so I'm glad to have found this discussion. Branadic, what type of toroid core are you using in your DIY Pickering? Sorry if I missed that.